A wonderful story (AKA I hate myself on video)

Thank you so much to Hannah from Tacoma Strong who put together this fabulous video about my business and philosophy.  Bonus cute footage of my kids!

A little secret?  One of the questions that didn't make the cut was what I would do to improve Tacoma for artists.  I said that I would improve pedestrian infrastructure and safety, because a safe city that promotes exploring is a city that inspires art.

Thank you to Tacoma Strong for featuring me!  They have video packages and affiliate packages (super reasonable packages for content creation!), check them out here!


  1. I love this! I would agree that I think Tacoma needs to be much more pedestrian friendly. I have a lot more to say about that but I'll spare you the rambling. One of the things I loved about Seattle was the ability to walk out the door, hop on a bus, hit up a neighborhood and just explore and you were sure to find something cool. Tacoma seems to just take more work to find the gems.

    1. Totally. I wish I could just wish better sidewalks into existence. I actually wrote a whole lengthy letter to the council about a bunch of really bad intersections and all of the dangerous things I'd seen, sent it to like 10 people in the city government plus a few newspapers.... and crickets. It was such a bummer.


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